Tenant Screening
Protect yourself and your clients with thorough tenant screening by Mangos Group.
Made by Realtors, for Realtors.
Don’t take the risk.
As an agent with a listing for lease, letting the wrong tenant in (especially in Ontario) could have massive consequences. As the listing agent, we’re paid to do the job to minimize the risk of letting the wrong tenant into our client’s rental property. What ends up being the owner’s problem also ends up becoming our problem when we’re the ones listing! You may not know how, or have the time to properly screen the tenant yourself. That doesn’t mean the screening shouldn’t be done. If you can’t do it, you can outsource it.
How do we help make your life easier?
Sure, you’ve asked the applicant for information on their credit, on their employment and they may have even provided their credit report. Have you verified that this information is accurate?
We call (not text, or email) personal and employer references. We ask questions, and we look for clues as to whether or not the tenant is who they have said they are.
Once we gather and review all the details on the prospective tenants, you’ll get a final summary (with all supporting documents) to help you make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed with the tenant in question.
What we do
(in detail)
Process application
Verify details provided for accuracy
Investigate references to assess whether these references can be relied upon
Call (not email) landlord references and ask verification questions.
We confirm if the tenant has been responsible and reliable and if they have a good tenant-landlord relationship.
We also confirm if they have given notice; specifically we are trying to assess if they are leaving because they have a bad relationship with the landlord, or if the reason the landlord provides matches with the reason they provide on the application.
Additionally, we are trying to assess if there is a chance they will pull out of the agreement after acceptance because they haven't given notice yet to their current landlord.
Call (not email) personal references and ask verification questions.
We ask open-ended questions to find out as much information as possible. The reference will usually tell us about the applicant's personality, hobbies, etc., which helps guide us towards what else we should ask. For example, if the applicant has a side hustle but hasn't listed it, now we know to ask what kind of side hustle so that we can verify that with the tenant's agent and confirm that it is an extra income source.
Sometimes the personal reference will mention a partner, which will signal to us that we should confirm exactly who the occupants will be.
Call (not email) employer reference, and then verify over email that you spoke over the phone;
Ask employer to email us back from their work email.
Confirm the details of their employment and if there is any reason that they will not continue to be employed with the company.
Run our own credit report rather than rely on one that has been provided, to limit relying on fraudulent documents
Investigate social media/online profiles
How long has the profile been up?
Do the photos match the ID?
Does the information on their social media profiles (education, employment, etc.) match what they’ve told us?
Are the references listed as mutuals/followers on their profile? Do we think that they are friends (instead of employer/landlord)?
After researching, we provide a single summary email outlining the findings of the screening. The purpose of this email is to provide you with enough information to make the decision on a tenant application, and to provide you with backup in the future (should you ever need to review what was discovered).
Full Tenant Screening, per application
If there are multiple tenants listed, there is a $25 fee for each applicant after the first one.